Friday, June 24, 2016

FDI in Brazil 2015

It would seem to make sense that when a country is experiencing as destructive of an economic crisis as is Brazil, that foreign investors would treat that country like a plague. However, the opposite is true as the country has been able to continually bring in foreign direct investment. Of course, this doesn't mean the country's leaders should feel too optimistic. In fact, FDI dropped 23% between 2014 and 2015. One of the main reasons is that multinational companies like Whirlpool are bringing in substantially lower revenues as a result of lower consumer spending and confidence and a devalued Real. Despite the decline in FDI, Brazil was still eighth among countries attracting FDI having brought in US$56 billion in 2015.

For more information regarding acquisitions and fusions in Brazil read PricewaterhouseCoppers most recent report on the country (in Portuguese).

Acquisitions and Fusions in Brazil in 2015 - PWC

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