Tuesday, June 28, 2016

11 Years Later Informal Sector Rises

Leia Mais:http://economia.estadao.com.br/noticias/geral,apos-11-anos-participacao-da-economia-informal-volta-a-crescer-no-pib,10000059570
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After 11 years, Brazil's informal economy has grown and become a larger part of the country's GDP. According to Fundação Getulio Vargas, the country's informal sector represented 16.2% of the GDP in 2015. The main reasons for this growth are jumps in unemployment and the high costs of products. In actual numbers the informal sector equals US$281.4 billion.

The informal sector includes vendors of foods, toys, electronics and much more.

This rise is particularly important for consumers and competitors alike. Products sold by these vendors, often at locations known as camelos, usually are not regularly regulated. That means that potentially unsafe products are sold to consumers. Competitors with business licenses and following regulations are forced to sell more expensive products as informal vendors typically do not pay taxes. Furthermore, these vendors often use city services, such as electricity without paying for them. Finally, some informal vendors are known to sell stolen goods.

To read more visit Estadao (in Portuguese) Informal Sector Grows
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