Friday, June 24, 2016

Don't Overlook Brazil Quite Yet

If you have picked up a newspaper or checked your online feed recently, you probably haven't seen any flattering news about Brazil. Since 2014, when the country hosted the FIFA World Cup, things have seemed to spiral downward. Lava Jato, an overarching criminal investigation, has put away dozens of politicians and businessmen including the leader of one of the country's largest enterprise's, Odebrecht. The investigation is so far-reaching that the country's president, Dilma Rousseff, has been suspended and will face an impeachment trial later this year. The head of the country's Chamber of Deputies, Eduardo Cunha, has also been removed from his post and is under trial. The popular former president, Lula, is also likely to be investigated in the near future.

On top of the political scandal, the company's economy is in shambles with over 100,000 closed businesses, rampant unemployment, crumbling government services and increasing crime. In less than two months, the country will host the Olympics, despite, Zika, a wave of crime and the refusal of many athletes from participating in the games.

To jaded Brazilians, it doesn't look like it could get any worse.

The facts remain that Brazil is one of the largest economies in the world with a population over 200 million. The country is also an agricultural powerhouse.

For seven more reasons why Brazil should still be considered by businesses and investors check out this article Fast Company & Inc. 7 Reasons to Invest in Brazil

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